Monday, 1 April 2013

Peter Bowers

This man is one of the people who are supposed to be protecting us and our children from the evil bastards in our society.
Judge Peter Bowers is a Crown Court judge and a first-class bell-end.
He's a shining example of just how far out of touch our so-called ruling classes are with reality.
This is the man who last year described a burglar as "courageous".
His latest act of bell-endery actually beggars belief, though.
Mark Martin is a paedophile. He was already on a suspended sentence for possession of child pornography, and he was brought up on the same charge in front of Peter "Dickhead" Bowers.
Now, prepare yourself for this one, because this is going to be one of those moments when you shout, "What the fuck...!!!!!", and then almost vomit with rage.
Here we go. Are you ready?
Bowers let him off, saying that Martin would "suffer badly" if he went to prison. So he let him walk free.
I know. WTF, right?
God forbid Martin would suffer badly in prison. We can't have that, can we? We don't want him to suffer badly. No, we'll reserve that for the children in the filthy pictures he likes to look at, shall we?
People are SUPPOSED to suffer badly in prison, you toffee-nosed, upper-class TWAT!!!!
That's the whole point of the fucking place. It's supposed to punish people, make them suffer badly, so that they stop breaking the law.
My God! We trust these men with keeping us safe. I wouldn't trust most of them with the remote control for the telly.

Joan Rivers

How dare she!
How fucking dare she!
This trout-lipped, dried-up husk of a rat-woman has been insulting our Adele; calling her fat, and when asked to apologise just calling her fat again.
Adele is one of the most talented singer/songwriters in the world. Rivers looks like a Barbie doll that's been left a bit too close to the fire.
I guess when you're a comedian that's not funny anymore you have to start insulting people. I've noticed that, actually. When people want to cling on to fame even though their careers are in the toilet they start insulting others whose careers are still going strong - see Jordan. They're like junkies, willing to do anything to just get that one more hit.
And Joan Rivers's face does look like it's had a fair few hits, doesn't it? And with all the botox and face-lifts I bet it feels like Lance Armstrong's nut-sack.

Justin Bieber

Bloody hell! I'm beginning to wonder if I should rename this page "The Biebers".
He has made the roll-call again today.
He's been banned from the Passage Club in Vienna, which is one of Europe's trendiest night-clubs.
Apparently, he looked on while his minders smashed up mobile phones and groped girls.
This little tosser is becoming a walking ASBO, but with the disappointing lack of gangs with baseball bats wanting to fuck him up.
This castrated little spunk-monkey should be grounded by his parents and sent to bed without any tea.
It is, and will always remain, one of mankind's biggest mysteries how he managed to score with Selena Gomez. She is this gorgeous, sexy, mature, talented woman; but by some abomination of nature she actually allowed that posturing little freak to shag her. How the fuck did that happen?!!!!
Was it pity? Charity? Was it a charade in which she was paid to appear with him but never actually slept with him? If so, I hope she made sure she was well paid.
Whatever the details, by all appearances, Justin Bieber managed to bump uglies with Selena Gomez. The runt of the litter somehow managed to get at one of the best teats.
The world's gone fucking mad, I'm telling you!

The Sun

I know there's not supposed to be organisations on here, but I have to put forth The Sun newspaper as a candidate today.
That pun-laden rag of a toilet paper has taken the comparisons I did on here the other day between Justin Bieber and Michael Jackson, altered them to avoid any copyright infringement and then passed them off as their own. They even had the sheer brass balls to call it an exclusive.
The Sun really is a blight on this country. It appeals to the Jeremy Kyle set, and succeeds by exploiting the lowest common denominator - tits, gossip, crap puns and filth, while all the time proclaiming itself as the voice of the nation, as a fighter for human rights while habitually abusing the human rights of others who simply want some privacy.
This was the newspaper that supported the Tory party at the last general election. I don't see them standing up and saying how wrong they were, or attacking David Cameron and his posh-boy friends with the same kind of venom it has attacked others in the past. But one reading of The Sun will tell you why - it's run, and written, by the kind of people who sit around in pubs, lying about who they've had sex with, who make inappropriate comments and who pretend to be your friend while talking about you behind your back.
I contend that one of the job requirements to work at The Sun is a willingness to set aside any sense of morality or decency in the pursuit of selling newspapers.
I have no time for The Sun, and wish it would go the same way as the News of the World.
The Sun is to Britain what a pimple is to a teenage boy on a Saturday night.

Iain Duncan-Smith

One of the most puzzling things about politics is how a person can be an utter useless failure and yet still hold a position of responsibility that affects millions of lives. Iain Duncan-Smith is one such failure.
This is the man who has launched an all-out attack on the most vulnerable members of our society. Typical of the failure that then becomes a bully, he is taking out his own failings on those least able to hit back at him.
His latest piece of bell-endery is to say that he could live on £53 a week.
Fuck off, you wanker!
It's easy to say you can do something when you know you're never going to have to. When you're living rent-free in a mansion and lording it up with your rich, spiteful friends.
Why are we led by a government we didn't even vote for? Why is a man who couldn't even make it as leader of the Tory party holding such a position of power?
We are being led by the least among us.
I think they know they have royally fucked everything up, so now they are screwing the nation as much as possible and making as much money as they can before they're booted out of government - and that's what's going to happen, Iain - you're all going to be booted out. Then you'll have to find another friend to give you a job, and rely on someone else since you can't actually make your own way in the world.
You're so weak and pathetic, sir, that you make me nauseous.
You're the wimpy little boy in school who can't lead his own gang because he lacks the spine. So he creeps his way into another gang and uses them for protection so he can throw his weight around.
Let me tell you, Iain, you wouldn't last five minutes in the real world. You'd have someone's fist in your face for a start.
Baggsy me first!!!!

Bell-end of the month: Russell Brand

Need I say any more about Mr Brand?
The landslide winner of bell-end of the month. But there was never any doubt, was there?

Bell-end of the day: Kelly Jones

A comfortable win for the WPC who is suing a man after tripping over a kerb while attending a 999 call.
Perhaps Steve Jones, the man she is suing, should launch a counter-suit of trespass. How's she going to defend a charge that she trespassed onto his property?
Is she going to say "I was just doing my job"?
Mr Jones could reply "That's what I thought; so go and fuck off with this suing me for tripping over the kerb."