Sorry; I just wanted to clear my literary throat before I started this one.
This dipshit comes to the UK, claims £25,000 a year on benefits, and then tells his followers to blow the fucking place up. He laughs at our criminal justice system, thumbs his nose at our police, and preaches that radicals should be proud to call themselves terrorists.
Sorry; this literary cough I've got is really tickly.
Anyway, his latest act of bell-endery is flying over to Finland - paid for with benefits from the country he so loathes and derides. There, he attended a clandestine Islamic conference where he laughed at our justice system, told his followers to be proud and carry on the fight, and mocked the British police because they couldn't arrest him.
Tosser!!! Tosser!!! Tosser!!!
This nob-head recently said he wanted David Cameron dead. Now, I hate Cameron with every fibre of my being. I think he's a jumped-up, elitist public-school ponce...and a prick...and a wanker...and a cunt...and an arsehole...a bastard...and a twat.
But I don't want the little shit dead. Beaten the shit out of, certainly; knee-capped, maybe; and if someone wants to kick him in the balls in front of television cameras then I'll give that person fifty quid. But I don't want him dead.
So, ladies and gentleman, I present to you today's first bell-end nominee: Anjem Choudary.
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