Friday, 29 March 2013

Kim Jong Un

This guy has to be an early nominee for bell-end of the month, year, decade and maybe even century if he carries on with his war-bothering.
I guess when your dad was more famous for being a puppet singing "I'm so lonely" in a movie than a head of state, and when your mom quite obviously cuts your hair (come on - no hairdresser would do that to someone), you have to make a few grumblings to show you're hard. But pushing the world to the brink of nuclear confrontation is not the way to do it. Kick a world leader in the balls if you want to show you're hard. Drop the nut on the South Korean Prime Minister. There are so many more things you can do to show you're hard than to play the Nuke card.
And I'm sure the world leaders would welcome such a move. I'll bet anything than if you gave Barack Obama the choice of nuclear war or sore plums for a few days he would tell Kim to get his Doctor Marten's on right away. He would probably even polish them for him. Actually, while he was at it, I would campaign for him to kick David Cameron in the balls as well - not to prove he's hard, but just because if anyone actually deserves a size 9 to the swingers it's David Cameron, oh and George Osbourne, and Nick Clegg, Ian Duncan Smith, basically the entire British Government.
Yes, let that be our new campaign - kick the British Government in the balls. Would there anywhere be a sweeter sight than David Cameron and George Osbourne red-faced, doubled-over and clutching at their grunters?
Kim Jong Un could turn himself into a hero overnight if - instead of threatening nuclear war - he would promise to slam his boot into Ian Duncan Smith's 'nads.
Kim Jong Un to kick the British Government in the balls - who's with me????

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