Monday 1 April 2013

Joan Rivers

How dare she!
How fucking dare she!
This trout-lipped, dried-up husk of a rat-woman has been insulting our Adele; calling her fat, and when asked to apologise just calling her fat again.
Adele is one of the most talented singer/songwriters in the world. Rivers looks like a Barbie doll that's been left a bit too close to the fire.
I guess when you're a comedian that's not funny anymore you have to start insulting people. I've noticed that, actually. When people want to cling on to fame even though their careers are in the toilet they start insulting others whose careers are still going strong - see Jordan. They're like junkies, willing to do anything to just get that one more hit.
And Joan Rivers's face does look like it's had a fair few hits, doesn't it? And with all the botox and face-lifts I bet it feels like Lance Armstrong's nut-sack.

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